Tuesday 10 March 2009

• english to french or more like french to filipino •

******* Pinadaling English French translation ******

city - ce vou

drugs - sha vou

goodbye - va vou

bald - cal vou

caught in the act - vou cou

hair - valahe vou

not clear - la vou

sink- lava vou

beach resort - mali vou

tanga - vou vou

pulis - ca vou


♥ P.a.s.a.w.a.y B.e.b.o.t.z ♥

♥ P.a.s.a.w.a.y B.e.b.o.t.z ♥
♥♥ evrything has a rison, evrything is plannd. nver rgret it, it will only pull u down. d nmn kelngn ng technicalities. pg mhl m ang 1 tao, mhal mo xa. PERIOD! ♥♥